Who did you become?

Fast forward to the future. 

You have been told that you woke up for the last time this morning. These are your last hours on Earth as a living being. Today is officially your final day of life. 

The story of your life flashes before you. You look back on everything…

Every chapter. Every experience. Everyone you loved. Everything you impacted. Every decision you made. Every decision you did not make. Every success. Every regret.

Who did you become? Did you become the person you wanted to be?

Hopefully you became the best version of yourself. Hopefully you experienced life to the fullest. Hopefully you loved hard. Hopefully you impacted the world in a positive way. Hopefully you lived a life of zero regret.

I believe that living a healthy lifestyle unlocks the best version of oneself.

By taking care of yourself, you can optimize all aspects of your health. By optimizing your health, you will have the physical capacity, energy, and mental clarity to do the things you truly want to do with your life.

Here’s a hypothetical question…

If you could take a pill to achieve your dream body, would you do it?

I bet most everyone would answer with a resounding “yes!”

But consider this analogy…

Let’s say you’re digging a deep hole with a shovel. You dig that shovel into the ground over and over again, tirelessly chipping away at the dirt in your way. Over time, your forearms, shoulders, and back get tired, but you become stronger… You grunt over and over again, frustratingly doing the physical labor… Over time, the hole gets deeper and deeper. The results of your hard work begin to show, and you build mental fortitude as you see what you have done all by yourself.

Now let’s say you dig that same hole with a tractor. It takes a fraction of the time. All you have to do is sit in that tractor, press some buttons, and let the machine do the work for you. You still get the same hole at the end of the day, but you didn’t really change.

So which tool would you use?

I’m sure most people would still choose the tractor—I would too. I mean, it’s just a hole in the ground. Work smarter, not harder, right? 

But let’s apply this analogy to your health and fitness goals.

The shovel is doing the work yourself—going to the gym, eating a diet that is mostly made up of whole, unprocessed foods, getting enough sleep, removing stressors from your life, etc. As you consistently and repetitively do these tasks, you build character. The disciplines you adhere to become habits. You learn the power of delayed gratification, of saying “no” to what’s directly in front of you so that you can have an even greater tomorrow. You learn to accept and love your body. You truly become the person you want to be, not just physically, but holistically—everything about you.

The tractor is taking a pill. You achieve your end goal, but you skip over the entire journey. You’re just the same person in a different body.

So which one would you choose?

Many would still choose to take the pill, and that’s okay.

But I challenge you to commit to doing the work. You will achieve far more than a nice, toned body. 

The good thing is, you don’t have to walk this journey alone… You can hire a coach!

A good coach will walk alongside you throughout the entire journey, helping you stay on track, navigating obstacles, avoiding common pitfalls, and finding happiness along the way. The journey will be much more efficient and enjoyable with an experienced guide at your side.

What is it that you would like to achieve? 

Who do you want to become? 

Will you be proud of yourself on your final day?


The Seasons of Fat Loss and Muscle Gain


What do you want to do with your life?